Read Institutional Edition is a platform that helps clinicians find evidence-based practice-changing research that improves patient care, advances science and reduces costs.
Libraries & Hospitals- 1 administrator account
- 1 Promoted Research campaign
- Integration with any proxy, VPN, SSO/Shibboleth
- Index PubMed holdings, indicate holdings within Read by QxMD interface
- User and Librarian support, email based support
- IP Range Integration
- InterLibrary Loan Intgration
- Analytics:
- Community Breakdown data by profession / specialty
- Usage data: detailed statistics about your community engagement and activity
- Insights: journal performance, vendor insights and user behaviours
- Custom filtering of accession data: create filters to view data specific to your needs by journal / specialty / profession.
- Custom integrations
Libraries & Hospitals- 2 administrator accounts
- 4 Promoted Research campaigns
- Integration with any proxy, VPN, SSO/Shibboleth
- Index PubMed holdings, indicate holdings within Read by QxMD interface
- User and Librarian support, priority support
- IP Range Integration
- InterLibrary Loan Integration
- Analytics:
- Community Breakdown data by profession / specialty
- Usage data – detailed statistics about your community engagement and activity
- Insights – journal performance, vendor insights and user behaviours
- Custom filtering of accession data – create filters to view data specific to your needs by journal / specialty / profession.
- Custom integrations
Healthcare Organizations- Unlimited administrator accounts
- Unlimited Promoted Research campaigns
- Integration with any proxy, VPN, SSO/Shibboleth
- Index PubMed holdings, indicate holdings within Read by QxMD interface
- User and Librarian support, priority support
- IP Range Integration
- InterLibrary Loan Integration
- Analytics:
- Community Breakdown data by profession / specialty
- Usage data – detailed statistics about your community engagement and activity
- Insights – journal performance, vendor insights and user behaviours
- Custom filtering of accession data – create filters to view data specific to your needs by journal / specialty / profession.
- Custom integrations
Free Basic: No expiry dates, no user limitations. Join for free, forever. Enjoy better access to research.
Join thousands of hospitals and universities across the globe using Read by QxMD, Institutional Edition

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We’re more than happy to walk you through our platform and give you a better sense of what might be best for your institution.